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Writer's picturePastor Micki

Going to Church

Some keep the Sabbath going to Church –

I keep it, staying at Home –

With a Bobolink for a Chorister –

And an Orchard, for a Dome …

--by Emily Dickinson

There are many ways of “going to church”. If you were able to worship with us last week on Zoom, you know, “we went to church”! We talked about love. And we loved. Thank you to each person who shared stories and wisdom. We had nearly 60 participants! I was inspired and grateful!

How about others? Did you think of something you would like to share about your experience of love? If yes, just let me know, and you may share this Sunday.

Also, this Sunday we begin a three-week series, “Celebrating Church”. The first week, elders will reflect on the work of Session in 2021.

On February 13th, we are planning to be back in our sanctuary. It will be a full day!

In addition to ordaining Amy and celebrating the sacraments, it will be a special day for WLT, and following worship is our Annual Congregational meeting. It will be brief since we are doing the reports over a period of three weeks. I will integrate my annual Pastor’s report into my sermon on February 27th.

The church is not the building, the church is the people. Going to church empowers us to “be the church” wherever we may be.

In our conversation about love last week, no one spoke of the love experienced in church. Yet for many, the friendships shared in churches have been the most meaningful in life. In March, Robert and Pat Wilson will be moving to California. We will miss them so! Like the hymn… “When we asunder part, It gives us inward pain; But we shall still be joined in heart, And hope to meet again.” But we understand—they are moving to be close to their son’s family, including that beautiful grandbaby. Robert has done so much for Westminster. Don’t miss the chance to say, “God be with you”, (most likely on February 27th). I am deeply grateful for love lived in Church.

With love,

Pastor Micki

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