Westminster’s Biblical and Theological Mission Focus for 2022 is Welcoming Christ. Welcoming All. The mission of the church is to be the hands and feet of Christ as we pray the kingdom come on earth. Read below to see the ministries we are involved in our community.
“Blessed are the persecuted...” We hosted a film, at the Moxie in February, Tower Bus Road. We also to provide resources to encourage members to educate themselves to be anti-racist.
Women's Safety
“Blessed are the persecuted...” We strive to raise awareness and decrease violence against women through organizations like Safe to Sleep and Harmony House.
Widows & Orphans
“pure religion is this: to look after orphans and widows” Supporting those who have lost spoused in our church and children without a home through Foster/Adopt/Connect and the Global: Presbyterian Children's Home and Services (P-CHAS).
“Blessed are the poor…” Continue our work with homelessness with The Connecting Grounds ministries, Eden Village, and Revive 66 Campers (we bought six in 2021).
Children & Youth
"Children: Blessed are the meek" We continue being a good neighbor to Delaware Elementary school children and provide scholarships for our partner school, Westminster Learning Tree.
Green Church
“You shall not pollute the land in which you live” Climate Change—care of God’s earth and working toward changes to become a PCUSA 'Earth Care Congregation".
Food Security
“I was hungry and you gave me food” Well of Life (volunteers and food in narthex), Council of Churches Global: One Great Hour of Sharing (PCUSA)
Greene County Prison
“I was in prison and you visited me” In June we had a book drive for those incarcerated, we continue to provide support for those incarcerated in our community.
Campus Ministry
Supporting young adults in our community on their faith journey and as they grow into the next generation of the church.